Judgment Day
With so much luck, I am still updating this blog now. The date registering on my calendar is 22 May 2011. The world did not come to an end contrary to the prophecies of Harold Camping, erstwhile head of the Family Radio Ministries.
This end of the world hype actually produces several kinds of people.
Lofty dreams, a beautiful house, wonderful family, among others were the things they stood to lose, had the the world come to an end yesterday. Those reluctant to believe that the earth was going to end havef a whole range of excuses and scapegoats like " I have yet to see my offspring," I have to see my son become a lawyer, a priest or doctor."
On the other side of the equation are those by which the end of the world means an end to their suffering. Religious fanatics, for example, who have lost touch of reality would find the judgment day as the best escape they have from the wretchedness of life on earth. They are the people who have given up on the challenge.
Right smacked in the middle are those people who are people who just love to torment other people with horrid stories of end of the world scenarios. They are the ones who profit much when people jump into the bandwagon. I don't know for certain who these people are, but I'm sure that these people exist.
Finally, there are those people of faith. They keep their watch, unwary of the hype and continued to keep their faith and wait patiently for the coming of their savior, Jesus Christ. They have no qualms. It doesn't matter to them whether they have to wait another thousand years or for the world to end this very moment. It does not matter anymore for they have already surrendered themselves.
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Copyright © 2011 by Leonel Agir